*Yeah that's right goons, 2 Johnson City bands in a row. This one's called IN TIME. And this man is called BEN PETE. And just so you know I totally didn't make him mention Slam or Where It Ends, he's just trying to be nice...both those bands suck so hard, right? He's ruff, he's gruff, and he's answering my stupid questions...read on dorks*SJ:
What are your thoughts on the current state of hardcore?I read the website, so I guess you can say I’ve been preparing for this question. So here it goes. Hardcore, just like anything else, is what you make out of it. There’s always gonna be good and bad things about hardcore and at certain times each will outweigh the other. I’m just going to start off by saying I still love hardcore and the hardcore community more than anything. I’m not jaded, but that doesn’t mean I don’t get frustrated about the stupid shit that I see…I’m not jaded, but that doesn’t mean I won’t express my distaste for the things I find moronic…which nowadays, is more than often. In all honesty, all I can really give a shit about is how the state of the East TN scene is going (JC, Chattanooga, Knoxville) and how the state of the scenes in SC and NC are going. That’s where my head’s at ya’ know? I include SC and NC because I have been obviously frequenting shows there for as long as I’ve been a part of hardcore and I have several friends in bands and friends involved in HC someway there that I love and respect. I really could give a shit less how the scene is in some town that I don’t give a fuck about. The Hardcore scene I involve myself in, is great. I love my town. We do our own thing, how we want it, and don’t really give a fuck about what is “cool” or “in” at the moment. Oh what, you are mad that no one knows who the fuck your band is in this area because you’ve only been a band for a month but you already have a 7” out on a hyped label? - fuck off. Not enough kids are moshing to your little band that just heard Merauder for the first time a week ago, but you got that hype because you are a “Members Of” band who is BFF’s with that other hyped band? -fuck off, hit the road! Hell, most of the kids/young kids that come to shows here aren’t even aware of dumb shit like that, and I love it because I know everyone that is at that show is there for the right reason. Everyone knows everyone, and it is still a brotherhood in my town. If we like a band, we like ‘em, if we don’t, we don’t. I wished more places were like that and wished more people knew it was OK not to like some bands who everyone knows is terrible and hasn’t worked for a damn thing. So many new touring bands now have this false sense of self-importance. I don’t owe you a damn thing asshole. I don’t give a fuck that you did this new 7” on so and so records. Show me somethin’. Give Respect, Get it Back!! I like that our scene is a reality check for some bands with big egos like that. I take so much pride in the fact that in our scene, bands like Advent, Hammer Bros, Death Before Dishonor, The Carrier, Fingers Crossed, In Remembrance of Me, Furious Styles, and Reign Supreme mean more to us than Fire and Ice, Dead End Path, Bad Seed, Title Fight or any other hyped fest band that gets big solely because the area they are from. We like who we like and that’s that. So I love the current state of hardcore in MY scene. Current state of HC around the country? - Not important to me. It pisses me off somewhat, but not directly relevant to me interests. And I’m not trying to say I only like bands that aren’t hyped or not big or any dumb “punx” shit like that…because that’s not the case. There are several of those bands who do well and I love. Backtrack is one of the biggest bands in hardcore today, and I love them. You know why? Because they are a great band, and have worked extremely hard to get where they are at now. I guarantee you that before a handful of people outside New York knew the name Backtrack, I was sitting on a stack of about 15 Cd demos that the band had sent me through the mail. I passed them out to friends, they had a small DIY tour through the area that hit Chattanooga. I drove 3 hours there solely for them and it was a great show. And they did well their first time here as well… you know, how things SHOULD work. But back to the BFF thing. How many full time touring bands can rotate traveling the country with an exclusive set of bands? It’s the same fucking bands coming through every 3 months. You suck, go build a fan base in your own town first please. But, I guess that’s not hard to do when you have Mr. Cool from this other band or record label (who thinks their word is gold for some reason) telling the sheep of the HC world that you have to like this band, and if you don’t, you are a fool! Right? I love hardcore and I love the brotherhood aspect of my scene that is still there. I love going to shows, and traveling insane distances for shows. But wolves in sheep’s clothing are definitely out there so be a student to the game and don’t give in to fakes no matter who tells you to. Don’t be afraid to have your own opinions and to not like a band if you think they are wack, because chances are they are posers anyway. I’ll end this question with a Set to Explode song= “I’d rather fight than fade away”
What's up with the fuckin' 2 names? BEN and PETE?Haha. That goes back to the start of MySpace I suppose. When I first started college, there was another friend there that had the name Ben, so our friends all just started calling me “Pete” (short for my last name Peterson). Then upon the creation of my MySpace about 5 years ago, I chose my name on there to be “benXpete”. It just kinda stuck I guess, everyone started calling me that IRL immediately… new friends and old, and most still do. It has a ring to it I suppose. You could definitely call that a “sign of the times” with how MySpace was slowly going to start effecting our lives ha.
Tell me about IN TIME and why the band started and exists in the universeIn Time is a hardcore/punk band from Johnson City, Tennessee. We happen to be all straight edge, but not at all your typical “youth crew” band. We are just a hardcore band, period. We draw influences from a lot of bands…not just 1 or 2. I would say our main influences musically as a whole band though would be Agnostic Front, Judge, Youth of Today, and Inside Out. But like I said, we all listen to different bands and that shows in the music and shows in us personally. The band started almost exactly a year ago. I have been friends with the other guys in the band, Alex, Cory, and Derek, for a long time. We met through this hardcore scene years back and they are 3 of the best bandmates I could ask for, and even better friends. They love hardcore and this scene as much as me and I our chemistry as a band is awesome. They had been practicing for a while and were looking for a singer, and ask me, so I went to a practice, sang some hits, and a Youth of Today cover…and that’s that. We been going strong ever since. This band exists to help carry the name of hardcore around our area, express our thoughts, and to have fun while doing so. Its existence has helped me through life already in only a year, and the other guys feel the same.
You're a pretty ruff and gruff frontman, who do you think are the baddest assest frontman out there in hardcore history?In Hardcore History, my favorite frontman of all time is Roger Miret of Agnostic Front. He still is my favorite. There’s no doubt and everyone I know, knows that he is my hardcore idol. His voice just spoke to me when I was first getting into hardcore and still does. His lyrics, stage presence, what he speaks about, everything. He’s the best. I love Lord Ezec aka Danny Diablo and to properly answer the question of who is the “baddest assest”, he IS the correct answer to that. I like Puerto Rican Mike from Skarhead/District 9 as well. Everyone poses to love NYHC these days but I have actually seen Skarhead with these 2 guys, unlike 9 outta 10 of these other posers so I can talk all the shit I want too!! Haha. Of course Freddy Madball, Mike Muir, Toby Morse and Rob Fish from 108 are big influences on me in many different ways. Zack de la Rocha was the absolute first person that made me want to sing for a band though. He was the first person that I learned from that music could be, and should be something more than just that. This was of course through Rage Against the Machine first, and then I got into Inside Out a little later on. I like a lot of frontmen throughout history. I study them, their moves, their charisma and what they brought to the table. As for hardcore frontmen today…I like Jay from Reign Supreme. He gets me pumped on hardcore and always has something to say. T from Product of Waste, Joe Advent, Brian from Death Before Dishonor, Vitalo from Backtrack, Jim from Hammer Bros (rip) and COA are all great. I like singers who have something to tell me other than just inside jokes between them and the bands they are on tour with who nobody knows what the fuck they are talking about or they are just up there trying to look cool. And singers who actually get excited to be on stage and not just all monotone and act like they don’t give a fuck about what they are doing. Daniel from Die Young, Dave Byrd from Set to Explode/Striking Distance, and Joey C from Righteous Jams were also some of my recent favorites. And there was this other dude named Paul, who sang for a band called Where it Ends, he was pretty cool too!
When do you think you will die?I’ll answer this question the best way I know how ……. “My time of aging, wondering when I’ll die. But when my time does come, I’ll know the reason why” – Down = “Bury Me in Smoke”
When's the last time you kicked someones ass?I got into a lot of fights growing up, when I was younger and in high school and stuff. Mostly being a hooligan in a town that had nothing more to offer. Playing baseball, watching Mike Tyson fights, and my Dad taught me it was OK to knock someone out whenever they pissed you off. I never did drugs or drank heavily, just caused trouble haha. It has been a couple years now since I physically kicked another person’s ass. I’ll just say what happened then, stays on the street it happened on. HA! It’s a great story though, but my friends seem to be able to tell it better than I do. In all honesty, I got into more trouble in my life over the past year for being violent than I ever have. I mean, I’m not a violent person at all. I’m not an asshole and I generally like people and I am always willing to meet people and give someone the benefit of a doubt. But, I guess I had certain things that triggered the absolute worst in me. But I got into a little scuffle a while back that resulted in me having to take an Anger Management class and be in the court system way more than I ever wanted to. All that shit is over with now and turned out good but it sucked ass and I was on pins and needles for a whole year not knowing exactly what my fate was. The Anger Mgmt. Therapy class really helped me realize I had a problem and I am thankful for that. I am no pacifist, but I am way more understanding of things now and realize you can really fuck yourself if you don’t think before you act. I was always an “act first-ask questions later” type, but I control myself now. The class was the whole “I can control myself and my actions, but not others” type of deal, ya know? I can get with that nowadays. With the help of gaining more and more spirituality over the last year, I am as non-violent now as I ever have been.
Vans or Nike?Vans all the way. I have never been a big fan of Nike. As far as athletic footwear goes, I prefer Adidas…far superior shoe. I’m actually rockin’ the white turtle shell Adidas right now. I love Vans though, I have 2 pair right now that I wear on a consistent basis. High top black/gray and black traditionals. I also just ordered the Vans Special Edition Suicidal Tendencies shoe. They are tight, only for real cycos!
Tits or ass?Very tough question…I’m not going to be one of those interviewees that say both. I am a staunch admirer of the female body. It is so cool. I do love both but I also respect women very much and their decisions to do with their bodies what they want. So, lets say I’m in a strip club and willing to pay for me and my friends a table dance or something of the like…I find the one who has the best tits, real talk. But really to me, it is all about the hair (on the head).
You have a tattoo that has my old band Where It Ends' symbol in the middle of the Alice In Chains symbol...why the fuuuuck? It was my first tattoo ever that I got the day after I turned 18. I went to the tattoo shop and literally said "I want this in the middle of this". I showed them the Sepultura album cover "Against" (that features the same symbol as the WIE Resonate record) and a picture of the Alice in Chains sun. I still love both bands. I dont why in the hell I wanted those 2 particular bands fused together like that...but I didn't give a fuck, I just wanted a tattoo and thought that looked cool. A few years later it became known as the "Where it Ends" tattoo once you guys released "Resonate", and I was completely fine with that. It gave it a refreshed meaning I guess. That brings me to WIE. I was completely fine with that being known as a WIE tattoo because you guys were one of the first semi-local real hardcore bands that I would travel to see...and keep up with. Other than IROM which is a local here, there wasn't too much hardcore flying around this area. I saw you guys probably more times than any other band except IROM over a 2 year period. TN, SC, NC were always all great shows. WIE was playing the 90's style heavy hardcore WAY before it was popular and way before all these new bands are now...and getting big for. Way before Foundation, before any new band .... And so much better at it too. But it wasn't popular then, so we all know how that goes. Damn...I wanna see another Where it Ends show!
SJ: Whats the weirdest show you've ever attended? Weirdest you've ever played?Weirdest show ever? Hmm…well if we’re talking any type of show, The Hideaway has had some weird shit over the years. Costes The French Sex Opera is hands down the weirdest shit I ever witnessed within the confines of a music venue. Just take 2 people (man, woman) who perform sex acts on each other (equipped with dildo-drills, pee pee, dog food etc) while singing an Industrial, Steam Punk-ish type Opera, while all over this running theme of Anti-American/Anti-Capitalism shtick. Totally weird. Also Emotron sets his dick on fire and weird shit like that. I aint down with that dude. And I’ve also seen GWAR like 4 times and they are still pretty fucking weird, but awesome. As far as weirdest we have played, not really anything too weird yet. Hardcore and punk shows at the Longbranch Saloon in Knoxville have been the weirdest I guess, but 2 of the best shows we have played. Weird is great sometimes. They were really only weird because of this gay, African American drunk/stoned street punker dude who goes by the name of “Black Suicide”. He was wearing a full Superman Costume with combat boots in February, and ballerina dancing and saying all kinds of crazy shit on the mic. He rules though, I support that guy 100 percent. He IS punk rock.
What's next in line for IN TIME?We just finished recording 2 new songs and put them on MySpace and on a Cd demo packaged type deal that we’re going to start handing out at shows. They are better than anything we’ve done so far, and sound far superior as well. They are a little different, but not too much. Going back to the thing with our influences…One song is our basic Judge/AF-ish song with maybe some Floorpunch to be heard. The other song is heavier and way longer and sounds like Inside Out with some 108 “Songs of Separation” Era stuff thrown in. But within all those influences, I believe that both songs still sound like an In Time song… like we put our own touch on it ya dig. Also we are playing Columbia, SC September 27th with Rotting Out! So excited about that because R.O. rules and Columbia rules. We would have been at the show regardless so playing it is just icing on the cake. Other than that just keep writing better and better songs, keep playing shows and keep representing hardcore! We would love to do some small tours before the year is over and of course play more shows with SLAM!!
SJ: Whats the deal with DR. ENUF?Just some weirdo sprite-like drink native to Johnson City I believe. I mean, it is an Ok drink and I will get one every now and then, but I don’t freak out about it. I’ve had better. I’m a Powerade/Sweet Tea/Water type guy, I don’t enjoy many carbonated beverages.
What sucks about hardcore to you? What rules?Sucks = Too many record labels with too much money. Too many hardcore kids like Police…Not enough Hardcore kids hate police. My favorite bands and the best bands breaking up (Hammer Bros., Forfeit, Ignorance, Set to Explode, Have Heart, Internal Affairs, etc). The lack of a Shipwreck/Bitter End/COA show in my life. Fingers Crossed not being the biggest band in hardcore right now. More mixed bill tours please (but you can leave the “pop-punk” and pop-rock bands away please). Rules = The fact that I have friends in so many places of the country,Friendship in general, the fact that hardcore has allowed me to travel this land, Agnostic Front, Madball, Agnostic Front and Madball playing at The Hideaway, The Hideaway, Slam, Fingers Crossed, Dead End Records, Rotting Out, Wisdom in Chains, the Black N’ Blue Bowl/Superbowl of Hardcore, seeing Crown of Thornz AND Skarhead with PR Mike, Stigmata and Killing Time, Word for Word, Hardside, True Life MS Hardcore, Will 2 Die, the Death Threat show in JC, Breast Fest in NC, Bikers threatening bands over their MC rip-off tee’s, H20’s set in NYC almost bringing a tear to my eye, Stigma.
I'm tapped out. If you have any food or tv show recommendations place them here, peace ouuuuuut. TV Shows – SONS OF ANARCHY Season 3 premier comes on tonight! Stoked on that. I’ve been watching that show for 3 years strong, never missed an episode. It is the only TV Drama that I have ever followed week to week. I used to not watch TV a lot, now I do. Also today Season 6 of THE OFFICE just came out on dvd. Will be picking that up… it’s the best comedy on TV ever. Better than Seinfeld, and I love Seinfeld. Dwight has ousted Kramer over the years as my favorite TV character of all time. It is simply the best written comedy show ever. South Park has really gone downhill but I still love it. You can’t beat the way they portray social and political aspects. On one hand it is so outlandish and childish, but on the other hand, it is so true and makes so much sense. True genius right there. As far as food recommendations, I wanna eat at that place in Columbia where you needed a parking sticker again, it ruled. NC Cookouts are always the best. Mid City Grill in JC always holdin’ it down with the Tofu Burgers and fries, and ever so attractive staff of ladies. But thanks SO much for the interview, 4real… it was a blast. It’s my first interview as a singer and for our band itself, so it has been real! See you Soon!
*This motherfuckers band can be heard over at myspace.com/intimehardcore - the new songs are pretty rockin'*