*Here's an interview I conducted via e-mail with one of the few good hardcore bands out there right now, Backtrack. I have no clue who I'm talking to here as they didnt really tell me, but I'll just assume it's the singer. The frontman always does that kinda work, ya feel me?*
SJ: What are your thought on the current state of hardcore?
I think it's in great shape right now. There's tons of good bands out that are touring there asses off and there's something for everyone. Lots of younger kids are coming out and I think that's awesome.
SJ: You dudes seem to play a brand of straight up nyhc that somehow manages to stay interesting without sounding like something rehashed, how do you keep the music and the songwriting process fresh?
Everyone in the band has a lot of different influences, we obviously are heavily influenced by nyhc but aren't limited to just that. I think we basically before anything want to make sure at the end of the day that we're happy with the music we're writing.
SJ: What is your favorite place to play? (Hometowns don't count)
I'd probably have to go with Richmond, VA and Southern California. With bands like Fire & Ice, Naysayer, Bracewar, Downpresser, Rotting Out, Minus, etc, they both have great scenes. We recently got to play Michigan on the tour we're on now and it was wild, definitely a spot I'm looking forward to hitting up again.
SJ: What's the best band to ever hail from the state of New York?
Can't just narrow it down to one sorry.
SJ: How far are you tryin to take Backtrack and what do you really hope to accomplish?
I just want to put out records that we all are proud of and tour as much as we can. I'd like to try touring some different countries too.
SJ: I asked this question to another fellow Long Islander in a previous interview, and I'm sure you can give me some insight as well. Being from Long Island, what are your thoughts on the whole "guido/hair gel/tanning" type and their huge popularization as of late?
Hahaha, well...I basically could care less. It doesn't really make sense to me but at the end of the day I don't really ever run into people like that. I feel like they only come out on thursday-saturday nights at shitty clubs. One of my roomates is a wannabe jersey shore character it's pretty funny. Sup Corey?
SJ: What would you like to see change in hardcore?
I'd like to see more older dudes supporting the younger kids that are coming out to shows. Also I think that if you aren't happy with how certain people are slowly ruining your scene you should police it and not sit behind a message board whining about shit.
SJ: Tell me a little about the WEIRDEST show you've ever played (thus far).
We played a show on LI once that was hosted by 2 of the dudes in VOD. It was 21+ and we had to sneak our friends in. There was a chick dancer dancing on the side of the stage and while we were playing one of the dudes from vod was just saying hell yeah into the sound dudes mic. I also fell off the stage. I'm sure that's not the weirdest but its the first one that came to mind.
SJ: What is up next for Backtrack?
We have a few days left on this tour with Foundation/Harms Way. Its been our best tour to date for sure. We get home and play long island fest, and then a week later we do a few days in Canada with Death Threat. Then we do some east coast dates with Terror. We'll be touring out to sound and fury and back with Dead End Path and Fire & Ice. We'll also be playing This Is Hardcore this summer. After all of this we'll be focusing on writing our full length which will come our on Reaper Records.
SJ: That's it. Place all band/movie/food suggestions here. Peace.
Shout outs to the DPN. Come see us on tour. Check out Minus from Santa Barbara. Chic-Fil-A rules. Watch Mrs.Doubtfire religiously, and pick up the new Terror record when it finally comes out.
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