*This is sort of a new feature here on Slightly Jaded, although it kinda goes along with the articles/stories. Here I will share with you a few ramblings/poems from the curious and rather eccentric (and oh so jaded of course) mind of my ol buddy Anthony, read at your own discretion*
Little Lost Puppy
There once was a little lost puppy who wanted some ice cream. He went to the vendor and bought a large vanilla cone and smiled as he trotted away with it. His mouth watered at the idea of the sweet cream touching his tongue. Mr SUN was way too angry to let this union of tongue and cold ice cream marry in the holy presence of puppydom. He glared down upon the cone and drip drops of the once cold cream splashed upon the ground. Before he could even touch the sweetness with his cold little nose it had turned into a puddle on the ground. Now the puppy was lost, alone and ice creamless. But since he's a dog and is used to eating dog food, this was no problem and he quickly lapped up the cream. The moral of the story? Fuck the sun.
Its not enough, I need to spend the whole day on it. If I cant think of a funny quip, a clever line or prose, I'll just sit here all night staring at the screen. Fighting sleep, i'm covered in blood. I dont believe in my computer God. He is abducting me throughout the night, taking me to new worlds of thought and feelings, slipping in his influence every few hours. BACKSPACE. DELETE. NOT GOOD ENOUGH.
What do you want? Why cant I just close the door, turn off the probes, and kill the curiousity of what sick thoughts lay within waiting to pour out when I have my head turned? I dont fight it anymore, Ive accepted the...WAIT! THATS PERFECT!
Ode To Coffee
Oh fuck, again i'm drinking you oh stupid crushed bean. Thy sinister plot for shut down of steril thought, thy will be done. The only button I push on the manual laid out in front of me was self destruct until You greased the wheels and cut the brakes on humanities muscle car; driving at full force into my knees.
Oh hyper extended knee, sing me your pain; "coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee"
*Renowned psycho-author Anthony Trapani currently resides in the peach-ridden countryside of Gilbert, South Carolina. When he's not writing, he enjoys twisting anything you can think of into a vast government conspiracy, and spending time with his cherished canine Wolfman. He first rose to fame as the author of several graphic comic strips in his high school days, as well as the short stories "THE NINE" and "ANDREA". To contact Anthony, you must venture into the sewers that run underneath the seventh sector of hell and speak directly to the Rat King. Only he can can relay your message to the one...Anthony*
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