*Yo true believers, this is an interview with a nice fellow named Wes from a band called Fingers Crossed out of Johnson City, TN. A few years back you might have never known about something called Johnson City Hardcore, but this is one of the bands thats puttin it on the map. Oooh yeah*
SJ:Yo Wes, what are your thoughts on the current state of hardcore?
There's a couple good bands. Overall, I think its stagnant and boring. Not enough bands doing their own thing. Not enough kids being themselves.
SJ: Gimme a brief history of Fingers Crossed and your reason for existing
We've been a band for a few years. Tim and I have been in the band a few less years. Derrick has been in the band for like a day. We exist to take over the world with riffs.
SJ: Tell me what you think you have to offer the wacky world of hardcore that all these other shitty bands dont
Cohesive song writing. Raw power.
SJ: Have you ever been playing live and had that kind of fart where a little bit of mucus-ey shit comes out?
SJ: Do you stand by the saying "dont shit where you eat"?
SJ: Overall, what do you hope to accomplish with FC?
My main goal is just writing songs we like. If other people dig it, great. If not, I don't really give a fuck. Touring is/would be pretty cool too.
SJ: What's the WEIRDEST show you've played thus far?
I guess the knoxville ten for ten show. It was definitely bizarre. Everyone was so pumped on the line up. 15 minutes into the show our sound gets cut and the gig gets shut down. Definitely an awkward moment.
SJ: What are some bands out there (besides your own) that you feel are kickin it hard and doing some good shit?
Every band from East TN. In Time, Bruteforce, Stand Your Ground, IROM, Late Nite Rage. Fuck it, Whitechapel. Jorge's rockin a WC shirt in the tray of the new Merauder record so you know that shits hard. Advent is the best current hc band. Worlds Below from San Antonio is one of the sickest band I've heard in years. Product of Waste is real shit, too.
SJ: What are some bands out there that you feel suck shit?
You really don't want me to answer the question.
SJ: How does the songwriting process go for FC? Is it all centered around your ultimo riffage, or is it more of a group effort?
Usually Sam or I will have an entire song written, and other will add something here or there. We aren't one of those bands that pays homage to an era, we just write whatever we're into. If we jam Buried Alive a lot, a song like "Ugly Truth" comes out. If we're spinning more Entombed, we get something like "Condemned." it's hard for us to sit down as a band and write because stretched out by about 5 hours, but I think it's good thing because rather than one decent song a week, we write one great song a month.
SJ: What is next for Fingers Crossed?
We just got home from the last Hammer Bros show at Anchors Up, that was incredible. We've got a lot of spot shows coming up in the South East, then in December we're working out details to do another short tour. We plan on working our way to Texas and back by the end of the year.
SJ: Scenario: you travel the country in your car breaking into houses and raping children and killing the family dog. You finally get caught. It's your last day, death penalty day...what will be your last meal?
Take me to the grease trucks in jersey and I'll just eat myself to death.
SJ: That's all I've got, place any further ramblings here. Thanks for the words.
See you in October.
*You can check out these freewheelin sons of bitches at myspace.com/fingerscrossedhc *
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