*If you're into hardcore and you're still not aware of who the band Outbreak is, then you're a fuckin weirdo. I've known Ryan for a while now and he's always been a great dude, here he shares some great answers*
SJ: What are your thoughts on the current state of hardcore?
I have mixed feelings about it. When kids would rather smash each others faces in than pay attention to the bands, I sometimes question my participation. Or when the next "hyped band" is a bunch of garbage. Or when kids care more about "sneaker shopping" than going to shows. There's a lot of negatives that I could go on all day about, but I'm still here, for one reason or another. So I guess as much as I complain about it, it's a place that's always been there for me. There's days when I want a life that's so far detached from "hardcore" or "punk", but I'll always come crawling back because there's still going to be a handful of genuine bands, people, and ideas.
SJ: So Outbreaks got a new record out and it's been a bit since the last full length, how has the response been to the new shit?
So far, so good. We've seen some good reviews, and the response at the shows has been positive, so we're satisfied. In 2010 I have zero expectations, and it works out good because it's a lot harder to be let down!
SJ: What would you say the new shit has to offer that all the past OB records don't?
I think it's a catchier record than anything we've previously released, and a bit easier to listen to. Not in the sense that we're putting out "easy listening" records now a days, because that's clearly not the case, but our earlier material, "You Make Us Sick" specifically, has its own niche - like, if you're not into spazzy hardcore with snotty vocals, you're probably going to hate it. The new record is still fast and crazy, but it's got more direction, and is a bit easier to take in. We try to find a good balance of not forgetting the foundation that our sound was built on, and also keeping things fresh and interesting for us. I think the new record is a good example of this.
SJ: Outbreak has been around a little while now (for hc band standards), it's pretty crazy how the faces can change in this relatively short few years. What to you has changed with hardcore since the beginning of the band?
This is hard to answer because everything goes in cycles. Sometimes there's lots of great bands, and kids are coming out to shows, and then there's times when there's very few notible bands and shows suck...and sometimes one or the other. I barely recognize anyone at our shows anymore. It's a cool feeling to see new faces, but it's sort of a bummer that so few people actually stick it out and stay interested.
SJ: You've also gone through a few lineup changes, do you feel like Outbreak is just your band, your baby so to speak? Or are the new dudes a real solid part and a driving force within the band?
Every one who's in the band plays a huge role. If we lost any one, I don't think I'd be able to continue on. We spent quite a while trying to find a solid lineup, trying guys out, etc. Sometimes you find a great musician but he can't hack it on tour, or vice versa. I don't want to go through anything like that again, and I have a lot of faith in my guys. We wrote the new record, have been touring pretty steadily, and things are going as smooth as I could hope for.
SJ: How does the writing process go for you dudes? Do you just handle the lyrics/vocals or do you have a hand in the music itself?
I just handle the lyrics and vocals and don't really play a role in the music. Brian and Billy will come up with riff's, and sometimes Erik too, and then Erik will put drums to it. After that, I'll do my thing. So every one sort of comes up with their own part, and then we smash it all together and work out the kinks.
SJ: Will we ever see the day when there are 5 minute long Outbreak epics?
Just wait for the next record! That's all I can say right now. Okay, that's a lie. I think anyone who still likes Outbreak would completely dismiss us as soon as we wrote a song that hit the 3 minute mark haha. Even the 2 minute mark seemed to bum people out haha. I have a short attention span, so I don't see us writing any long, or "normal length" songs anytime soon.
SJ: What pisses you off the most/what makes you happy?
This is a pretty vague question so it's tough to answer! There's different degrees, ya know? Like, mexican food makes me happy, but so does playing a packed show with kids screaming our words back at me. Watching awful bands get everything handed to them on a silver platter makes me cringe, but so do tomatoes. I don't know why I keep using food in examples, but I think you get my point haha
SJ: What bands do you think are bringing something new to the table lately, hardcore or not?
Not sure if it's something that's necessarily "new", but the following bands are definitely ones that stick out as playing styles that aren't super popular, and they're doing a really good job with it: The Menzingers, Hour Of The Wolf, Soul Control, Reignition, to name a few.
SJ: Whats next for Outbreak?
Touring Canada with A Wilhelm Scream in March, and then touring the east coast with Agnostic Front in May. Talking about hitting Europe in the Summer, so we'll see if that pans out. Good things ahead! Maybe a new record sometime soon, who knows.
SJ: What would you like to be your last words (up to 3) on this earth?
I only get to choose three words? Damn, that's tough. Okay, I just spent like 20 minutes trying to think of something meaningful, or witty, but then I realized "damn, that's tough" is actually three words, so there's my answer. Sorry for not coming up with something more inspiring or creative.
*Outbreak has a new record, so go check that out. They're also still out there on the road killing it so go say whats up. www.myspace.com/outbreakhc*
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