*Mr. Ian Geiger is a good pal of ours and hardcore kid extraordinarre. Here I annoyed and berated him with this wacky interview you're about to read. Lets see what he has to say*
SJ: Yo Ian, what are your thoughts on the current state of hardcore?
i think hardcore is actually at a really cool place right now, the whole 90s sound made a big comeback, faster more punk-oriented hardcore is on the rise, there are awesome heavy bands out there. the best part is all these bands seem to be working together and playing shows together...as far as the music goes im into it
SJ: YOU would be. So whats some bands you're into right now?
oh what does that mean! but some bands im into right now....as far as current bands and hardcore are concerned, lewd acts has put out some of my favorite modern hardcore releases so they are number one. hour of the wolf, debaser...expire is blowing up and they are a great band. thats just hardcore bands though. that band balance & composure from pa is awesome, im really into them. make do and mend as usual. lots of stuff all over the spectrum. i listen to lots of classic rock in my car, or like top 40 radio. all over the place with me
SJ: Classic rock is always good. I grew up with that. Namedrop some classic rock that you'd recommend to the everyday 15 year old sniveling hardcore asshole
van halen, i know you and i see eye to eye on that at least. then metallicas discography but cut off after the black album. pantera's "vulgar display of power" and anthrax's "among the living" are essentials. is that considered classic rock or is that just old metal?
lets just call it classic rockin metal. whats the hate on the black album? yeah it's got a few throw away songs just like every other metallica album. but come on, it's HARD and the production is huge and monstrous.
wasnt that the first album to be recorded in such a way that it was like a "wall" of sound? i feel like i read that somewhere. its a great album.
SJ: i just realized you said after the black album. i'm an idiot
well either way, there is an obvious hate on the black album
SJ: yeah well as the great victorian poet rick ta life once said...HATERZ BE DAMNED
hes been calling me lately. i wont get into details, because there really are none. i just get weird voicemails every couple days now
truly frightening. Tell us a little bit about Overlooked...what you hope to accomplish and what you have to offer the hardcore scene.
overlooked started as songs i had written for a type of band i wanted to start. i had a drummer lined up and a thought i had a bassist then when we started jamming with our guitarist parker we realized we didnt have a bassist like we thought, so instead of really jamming we just played these songs i had written on guitar. that turned into our demo we put out last year. we did a few weekends off of it and our friend derek over at dead end records put it on tapes for us. that was really cool. since then weve done an east coast and recorded an EP we are trying to get out this spring, unlike the demo it was written as a collaborative effort which is really cool. as far as accomplishments or what we have to offer, i mean thats really up to anyone else. we are a hardcore band that wants to talk about some stuff and play shows, hopefully kids wanna listen, you know? one thing i know is that we all want to tour as much as possible, so theres that.
SJ: hows the myrtle beach scene goin?
its not really, to be honest. there are occasional shows that either one of my friends or i do out of our little garage we call the hazmat. other than that there isnt any real hardcore scene, as sad as it is.
SJ: well for the past few years I know there's been a little toughie guy crew or 2 in that ol tourist town. ya know young pukes that show up and pretend like they own the goddamn place, personally I'd like to stomp on their faces until my foots covered in brains. what do you think of all that jive?
its not my thing, thats for sure. ive had my problems with those guys and vice versa but its to the point now where i could really care less. they are hardly at the same shows that me or my friends are at, and ive got other things to worry about anyways.
SJ: wanna join my crew?
are we tough?
SJ: I am
okay as long as you're tough enough for both of us. ive just got a big mouth, i can be a hype man or something.
SJ: if you have to fart and you know it's gonna be loud in public, what do you do?
i have maybe, 1 or 2 loud farts every few months. i am an extremely quiet farter. i guess it depends on how public is public.
SJ: pussy.
id probably pussy out and try and hold it in, end up shitting my pants. as far as most likely routes go, thats at the top.
SJ: do you play for the crowd or do you play for yourself? And why?
id like to think i play for myself, but i think that anyone who is in a hardcore band is probably at least a little bit driven by the idea of playing in front of people/impressing people/whatever. at least to a certain extent anyways. but to try and answer the question, its just something i have always loved. no matter how "fucked" hardcore is according to the jaded purists and internet gurus, its a place you can express ideas and literally scream about what you dont agree with, and i like that idea.
SJ: you do realize this zine is called slightly JADED right? I'm a jaded purist!...doing a webzine...for some reason.
haha well...you know. i at least see you at shows still. i dont just happen to catch you riding your bike around town wearing ironic hats or at weird indie shows where they paint their body to music or whatever some of that shit is. so youre not ALL the way jaded
SJ: they paint their body to music? I'm missing out on something.
i think my brain made that up for me. id probably be jaded too if i could go somewhere and see that
SJ: how far do you wanna take Overlooked?
ideally i would love to tour fulltime. right now i guess its just a desire, but its definitely our intention. i dont want to put out the next suffer survive or anything, but being able to tour all the time and play music that i like would be really cool. thats a really generic answer. i should have gotten drunk prior to this or something
SJ: there's always next time, and PCP is better for interviews.
ill keep that in mind. coming from an edgemen it must be true
SJ: what would you like to be your last words on this earth (up to 3 words only)?
kill em all
*Check out Overlooked @ www.myspace.com/overlookedhardcore*
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